Making a difference starts and ends with us. We can make a change in the life of an individual child and collectively change a village and a nation. Your tangible investment in a child, a classroom, or community will have lasting impact.
Sponsor a Child
Your monthly donation meets the needs of children in our Iris centers around the world. Every gift impacts a child's life.
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Sponsor Education
Our schools and other educational programs are instrumental in changing lives & destroying poverty.
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Sponsor Milk
Our Milk Programs provide life-saving milk, nutrition support, and education to both baby and mother for a healthier future.
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Sponsor Community
There is nothing more powerful than a community full of hope. We work with leaders to see that happen.
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What Does My Sponsorship Cover?
Child sponsorships provide things like food, education, medical care, gifts, clothing, spiritual discipleship, and basic necessities.
Does My Sponsorship Go Directly To A Child?
Your gift is combined with other sponsors whose children are a part of the same center to make sure they are cared for and educated.
Are My Donations Tax Deductible?
Stop for the One is a program of, Iris Global, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the United States. Any gifts made to Stop for the One by US citizens are tax deductible.
How Does Child Sponsorship Work?
Stop For The One child sponsorship programs work to holistically serve the needs of children and the communities in which they live. At the heart of our sponsorship programs for children, education, or communities, the foundation always comes back to stopping for the one.
How Do I Sponsor a Child?
Your child sponsorship will be used to benefit the individual as well as the community by helping bring essentials like clean water, nutrition, education, basic healthcare that improves the well-being of the center, school or village. When you sponsor a child, you are welcome to send your child messages through our Messaging System online. After you sign up for sponsorship, you can send your child a message and even a picture of yourself and your family.
What is Child Sponsorship?
Stop For The One sponsorship programs focus on improving the well-being of children in need, especially the most vulnerable. Each child living in an Iris Center is no longer an orphan, but a son or daughter adopted by Papa God and by our Iris family. When you sponsor a child, you help provide essentials like clean water, nutrition, education, and more as planned with the child’s community, while you connect through letters and photos. Your Sponsorship provides: food, housing, care, spiritual discipleship, access to medical care, clothing, fun activities, and gifts.
What Can I Expect When I Sign Up For Child Sponsorship?
Within the first month of signing up for child sponsorship, you will receive a welcome packet with a picture of your child and more information about the program. Once you sign up for sponsorship you can sign into your account and send your child a message! You can follow Stop for the One on Facebook and Instagram, as we often share stories and updates from our Centers. You will also be signed up for our Center Sponsor newsletter in which we share stories and testimonies specifically from our Center Children’s lives. Once a year we send out an updated picture of your child along with a card or drawing done by your child!
Where Can I Sponsor a Child?
You can sponsor a child from around the world, including Cambodia, Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Nepal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, and Uganda.
Where are you most passionate about and where do you sense God leading you and your family? What country is on your heart? Sponsoring a child means partnering with communities to create solutions for your child’s community.
Our Promise To You
What Your Sponsored Child Gets
Each child is provided the following:
• Food
• Housing
• Care
• Spiritual discipleship
Our schools provide children and young adults with:
• Christ-centered education
• Medical care
We work with our local churches to implement strategies specific to each community's needs, including:
• After-school programs & Preschools
• Starting Farms & Raising Chickens
• Introducing Microfinance
What you Get When You Sponsor a Child
Within the first month, you will receive a welcome packet with a picture of your child and more information about the program. Once you sign up for sponsorship you can sign into your account and send your child a message! You can follow Stop for the One on Facebook and Instagram, as we often share stories and updates from our Centers. You will also be signed up for our Center Sponsor newsletter in which we share stories and testimonies specifically from our Center Children’s lives. Once a year we send out an updated picture of your child along with a card or drawing done by your child!

make a difference in the life of a child