Simple Love In Action

Iris Madagascar Base - By Kimmie Caruso

This photo may not look like much, but it represents a story of love in action.  

You can't help but smile when you see kindness and love, especially when it is displayed by children.

It was just a normal moment on a normal day, but it so perfectly demonstrated what stopping for the one really looks like. Tafita, the little boy sitting on the scooter, had only lived in our center for two months and had come to us very sick from living on the street. Tafita is such a beautiful, funny, and entertaining (to say the least) addition to the Iris Madagascar family!  He is quite small for his age and has one arm which he cannot use, making some activities a bit difficult for him.  On this day, he was just trying to ride a scooter, but he gave up in frustration and tears because he could not do it with only one hand. When I was just about to get up to help him, I watch the oldest boy at our center come over to Tafita and help him out. He pushed Tafita around the center for about ten minutes, with Tafita smiling ear to ear! No one had to ask Lalina to help, he just did.

It was simple. It was kind. It was beautiful.

It looked a lot like Jesus in every way.