Being in the middle of a pandemic can have a huge impact on what we once called “normal life”. One of the greatest impacts it has had on our girls at Village of Joy in Lichinga is the fact they can no longer go to school. At first, it was a huge shock, followed by thoughts that every teenage kid has in a situation like this,
“How are we ever going to survive not seeing our friends at school?”
“What are we going to do for days on end at home?”
"How am I going to study without a teacher to help me?"
Village of Joy
Lichinga, Mozambique
However, interestingly enough, staying at home every day began to slowly but surely reap some beautiful fruit. Just one of the character traits that this time in quarantine has encouraged in our girls is the invaluable trait of pure INITIATIVE! Besides completing the school lessons that they are sent on a weekly basis from the department of education, the girls found a bunch of material and decided to learn how to sew instead of just sitting around and waiting for the pandemic to come to an end. Skirts, blouses, dresses, handbags and even colorful headpieces are some of the beautiful things they have made themselves. Not to mention all the fun they have while challenging themselves to see what they can make next! Yes, difficult times can actually produce beautiful things. And in some mysterious way, our lives and hearts discover certain priceless pieces that were missing from our character and personalities. This leads us to bring greater glory to God and surrender even the situations we cannot understand why we are having to go through them. In the end, it’s so worth it!
On Covid19 In Lichinga, Mozambique
Our Reality Today
As I'm writing this, Mozambique is currently in a state of Emergency. The city of Lichinga just registered its first case of the coronavirus today. Lichinga base has had to stop sending the girls to school, cannot hold church meetings in town where the local Comunhao Na Colheita church is, and have had to suspend any other evangelistic and discipleship programs in the community. Our children don't go out on any fun trips around town anymore and stay home every day. It is obligatory to wear masks in public places and wash your hands before entering a store. However, the reality of social distancing is almost non-existing here because of the context we live in as a nation.
On the positive side, the little community of three families that live on base have experienced a very precious season of God working in their own hearts and bringing them back to the essence of worship, building of character, and investing discipleship in the lives of the orphan children they care for.
They are dedicating a lot of time to establishing the farm on the base which is something God has been increasingly calling their attention over this season.
Learn more about the Village of Joy below!