Child Sponsorship & Birthday Celebrations!

Birthdays are a day to celebrate the life and birth of an individual. A gift to celebrate the unique beauty! It is our joy and delight to have birthday celebrations for the kids in our child sponsorship programs and classrooms. Unfortunately, many of our children do not know their birthdays, especially if their parents passed away when they were young. We still do our best to find a special day to celebrate them! Many of our locations do group birthday celebrations once a month since they have quite a few children to celebrate. Birthdays are often celebrated with a special treat like cake, games, a field trip out somewhere special like a sports match or a swimming pool, and a gift! Gifts can include a new outfit, a Bible, new shoes, toys, or sports equipment.

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Our Iris Kigali Children’s Center recently had a birthday celebration for all the children! Alexis, the Base Leader, celebrated the children on his own birthday, July 1st. He shared his testimony with all the children and told them about what God has done for him even though his parents were unable. During the genocide against the Tutsi tribe in Rwanda in 1994, Alexis lost most of his family members, leaving him orphaned at the age of 13. He survived through the mercy of one woman who kept him hidden in her home. At the time, the loss, trauma, and grief affected Alexis to the point of drugging himself in order to sleep. By the grace of God, he was found by a ‘Good Samaritan’, who took him from the street and returned him to school.

sponsored children birthday party

Because Someone Stopped for One

His life and future was changed by the kindness of God through one person who stopped to take time for him. Since then, Alexis has given his life to the ministry of Jesus and wishes to see many people changed by the healing power of God through love. Their dream is for children who have experienced similar hardships and trauma to come into the healing reality of family. God’s heart for those who were once far off, is to be healed through receiving a Spirit of adoption found in the person of Jesus, someone who stops, sees, and offers open arms of safety.

happy birthday presents for sponsored children
birthday cupcakes for sponsorship children

Such an important part of childhood and life in general is JOY and FUN! Birthdays are such a wonderful opportunity for celebrating life and happiness in Jesus! They give children who have experienced great trauma an opportunity to heal and find new joy in life.

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Thank you to all of our sponsors for being a part of celebrating our children! If you would like to contribute to birthday celebrations, please email us at