Through Stop for the One we are privileged to witness the Lord using our sponsors to directly impact the lives of children. We have several programs in which our mission is to help those in need and be the hands and feet of Jesus. One of our most transformative opportunities supports babies and their families enrolled in our Milk Program. By God’s great grace, babies in this program transform from maybe not even surviving to fully thriving! Here is a testimony of baby Manuela from our Zimpeto Center in Mozambique.
Manuela’s mother passed away from a critical illness 30 days after Manuela was born.
Manuela’s father — now widowed and with a newborn baby — still had to provide for his elderly parents, widowed sister, and her three children. He worked hard but could only afford to buy one can of formula each week to feed his newborn daughter. That meager formula was insufficient for her nutritional needs and Manuela became undernourished and dehydrated. Since joining our Milk Program, Manuela and her family have experienced the generosity of her supporters. Manuela now has more than enough to grow up healthy and strong.